Blog Articles

5 Telltale Signs of AFib (and What to Do Next)

5 Telltale Signs of AFib (and What to Do Next)

Under ideal circumstances, your heart beats away to a steady rhythm that keeps oxygen flowing to your body. When an issue like atrial fibrillation, this flow is disrupted, which can be dangerous. Here are five signs you could be experiencing AFib.
Feb 1st, 2025
6 Heart-Healthy Habits to Start in the New Year

6 Heart-Healthy Habits to Start in the New Year

As we enter a new year, it’s a great time to take steps to improve your health and wellness, and the best place to start is with your heart. Here are some easy practices you can implement today to boost your heart health.
Jan 8th, 2025
Breaking Down the 4 Stages of Congestive Heart Failure

Breaking Down the 4 Stages of Congestive Heart Failure

Did you know that one in four people will develop heart failure at some point in their lives? Given this large number, it’s a good idea to understand the progression of heart failure so that we can take steps to slow it down.
Dec 11th, 2024
Are There Any Limitations With a Pacemaker?

Are There Any Limitations With a Pacemaker?

You’re getting a pacemaker to regulate the rhythm of your heart, and you want to know whether you need to make any changes to accommodate the new addition. There are a few, which we review here.
Nov 8th, 2024

Why Is High Blood Pressure Dangerous?

You hear a lot about high blood pressure being bad, but why exactly is that? Here, we get back to basics to explain why this condition is linked to so many serious issues, including heart attack and stroke.
Aug 12th, 2024
3 Effective Treatment Options for Arrhythmia

3 Effective Treatment Options for Arrhythmia

Millions of Americans live with an arrhythmia — or irregular heart rhythm — and most don’t require intervention. That said, plenty of people do have potentially problematic arrhythmias and here’s how we treat them.
Jun 18th, 2024
5 Tips for Living With Congestive Heart Failure

5 Tips for Living With Congestive Heart Failure

Although a heart failure diagnosis may not be the news you want to hear, you can lead a happy and long life if you manage the condition properly. Here are some tips that can go a long way toward that goal.
May 1st, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Pacemaker

Millions of American hearts are functioning better thanks to pacemakers. If you’re about to join this group and want to know what happens when we install this potentially life-saving device, read on.
Apr 2nd, 2024
Why Do My Legs Feel Tired, Achy, and Heavy?

Why Do My Legs Feel Tired, Achy, and Heavy?

You’re being slowed down by legs that feel like lead weights and are hard to drag around — and sometimes they’re even painful. These symptoms may point toward a cardiovascular issue.
Mar 1st, 2024
Can I Have Heart Disease Without Any Symptoms?

Can I Have Heart Disease Without Any Symptoms?

Given that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, you want to know what the warning signs are. Unfortunately, there aren’t always symptoms associated with heart issues.
Dec 5th, 2023

What Causes Blood Clots to Form?

Perhaps you know that having a blood clot in your vascular system isn’t a good thing, but that's the extent of what you know. Here, we dive into blood clots, namely what causes them, and how we can help.
Oct 1st, 2023
 5 Signs of Arrhythmia That Are Important to Recognize

 5 Signs of Arrhythmia That Are Important to Recognize

Your heart should keep a steady, quiet rhythm as it goes about delivering blood and oxygen to your body. When there’s an issue with this rhythm — an arrhythmia — it’s important to be able to recognize the signs.
Sep 1st, 2023
What We Want You to Know About Heart Palpitations

What We Want You to Know About Heart Palpitations

Most of us experience heart palpitations at some point during our lives and, thankfully, they’re mostly temporary. Ongoing issues with heart palpitations may be a different matter. Here’s what we want you to know.
Aug 1st, 2023
Is Heart Disease Preventable?

Is Heart Disease Preventable?

There are two statistics to understand when it comes to heart disease: 1) It’s the leading cause of death in the United States; and 2) A whopping 90% of heart disease is preventable. Here, we present some potentially life-saving information.
Jul 14th, 2023
How Stress Is Stressing Out Your Heart

How Stress Is Stressing Out Your Heart

Evidence is mounting about the negative impact that stress can have on your health and well-being, including your heart health. Here’s a look at how ongoing stress is wearing you down.
May 16th, 2023
The Link Between Smoking and Aortic Aneurysms

The Link Between Smoking and Aortic Aneurysms

It should be no mystery that smoking is incredibly bad for your health. As another example in a long, long line of serious conditions, we’re exploring the link between smoking and aortic aneurysms.
Mar 13th, 2023
Here's What an EKG Can Reveal About Your Heart

Here's What an EKG Can Reveal About Your Heart

When it comes to diagnostic tools and your heart health, the electrocardiogram, or EKG, is a true workhorse. This harmless test can reveal a great deal about the function of your heart, which we explore here.
Jan 19th, 2023
Does My Aortic Aneurysm Need to Be Repaired?

Does My Aortic Aneurysm Need to Be Repaired?

We’ve diagnosed you with an aortic aneurysm, and you want to know what your future holds — primarily whether you need surgery. Here, we take a look at the common treatment options for aortic aneurysms.
Jul 1st, 2022
Can Atrial Fibrillation Be Deadly?

Can Atrial Fibrillation Be Deadly?

If you’re one of the more than 2.7 million people who are living with atrial fibrillation in the United States, you want to know how serious the condition is and whether it can be fatal. The answer is complicated, but worth understanding.
Jun 1st, 2022
Why Blood Clots Are So Dangerous

Why Blood Clots Are So Dangerous

Most blood clots that form in your body work to save your life by preventing you from losing too much blood. When they develop in your blood vessels, however, they can be life-threatening.
May 1st, 2022
Are All Heart Valve Issues Dangerous to Your Health?

Are All Heart Valve Issues Dangerous to Your Health?

There’s a good case to be made for the fact that any abnormality in your heart is cause for concern, which certainly includes valvular disease. That said, some heart valve problems are more serious than others.
Apr 4th, 2022
Understanding the Two Types of Aortic Aneurysms

Understanding the Two Types of Aortic Aneurysms

Although the word aneurysm may have filtered into our everyday language, this potentially serious problem is not all that common. Still, it’s worth understanding your risks for the two main types of aortic aneurysms.
Mar 3rd, 2022
The Link Between Edema and Your Heart

The Link Between Edema and Your Heart

You can hardly differentiate your calves from your ankles because of swelling in your lower limbs — and you’re concerned. Called edema, the causes of this condition range from mild to problematic and include heart-related issues.
Feb 1st, 2022
Should I Be Concerned About My Arrhythmia?

Should I Be Concerned About My Arrhythmia?

The average human heart steadily beats 115,000 times per day, circulating a whopping 2,000 gallons of blood. With an arrythmia, your heartbeat can become irregular, which can lead to complications in this critical delivery system.
Jan 1st, 2022
The Importance of a Pacemaker for Regulating Your Heartbeat

The Importance of a Pacemaker for Regulating Your Heartbeat

Over the course of an average human lifetime, the heart steadily beats 2.5 billion times. If this heartbeat isn’t steady, the risks for life-threatening cardiovascular issues rise considerably, which is where a pacemaker comes in.
Dec 15th, 2021
Understanding the Different Types of Heart Disease

Understanding the Different Types of Heart Disease

Heart disease is an umbrella term for several different issues that affect your heart, but make no mistake, each is serious and often life-threatening. Here, we look at the different types of heart disease.
Nov 7th, 2021
Recognizing the Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure

Recognizing the Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure

You’re feeling far more fatigued than you ought, and even the slightest activity leaves you out of breath. There are many reasons why you may be feeling these symptoms, including heart failure, which we review here.
Oct 6th, 2021
What Are the Risks With Atrial Fibrillation?

What Are the Risks With Atrial Fibrillation?

There are many different types of arrhythmias (irregular heart rhythms), and atrial fibrillation is the most common. The potential consequences of this condition range from mild to severe and knowing your risks is important.
Sep 7th, 2021
Does Your Heart Flutter? Here's What It Could Mean

Does Your Heart Flutter? Here's What It Could Mean

You have the sensation that your heart is fluttering or skipping a beat, and you wonder whether you should be concerned. The answer is both yes and no, which is why understanding the problem is important.
Aug 11th, 2021

Complications of Congestive Heart Failure

Your heart’s primary responsibility is to pump blood throughout your body. When your heart struggles with this task, it’s called congestive heart failure, which can lead to some serious consequences.
Jul 11th, 2021

Can You Tell If You Have an Aortic Aneurysm?

Your aorta is the largest blood vessel in your body, and when something threatens this structure, such as an aneurysm, the consequences can be quite serious. Is there a way to tell whether you’re at risk?
Jun 17th, 2021

What Every Woman Should Know About Heart Disease

Heart health is heart health, no matter your gender, right? Not so fast. Women have slightly different concerns when it comes to heart disease, especially in risks and symptoms. Here’s a look.
May 9th, 2021

The Role of a Pacemaker in Heart Conditions

The average heart beats 100,000 times a day to be able to deliver crucial oxygen and nutrients to your body. When something goes awry in this system, a pacemaker can ensure that your blood keeps circulating properly.
Apr 12th, 2021

Understanding Mitral Valve Prolapse

The valves in your heart play an important role in keeping your blood flowing — in the right direction. With mitral valve prolapse, some blood may be heading the wrong way. Here’s a look at this valvular disease.
Mar 1st, 2021

The Link Between Peripheral Edema and Your Heart

Your ankles or hands are swollen, and you credit the heat, yet the condition persists. Called edema, the swelling may be a sign of something heart-related, which is why this is one problem you shouldn’t ignore.
Feb 3rd, 2021

6 Risk Factors of Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of arrhythmia, affecting nearly three million people in the United States. This number is expected to rise to more than 12 million in just 10 years. What’s driving the big increase?
Jan 14th, 2021

Tips for Managing Your Hearth Health Over the Holidays

Though the holidays may look a little different this year thanks to the health care crisis, there may still be plenty of challenges for your heart. Here are a few tips that will help you and your heart weather the holiday season.
Dec 6th, 2020

5 Steps for Managing Peripheral Artery Disease

If you have peripheral artery disease, the good news is that you can take steps to improve the condition. In fact, these small steps can help you avoid far more serious cardiovascular conditions down the road.
Oct 6th, 2020

Recognizing the Signs of Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is a common and potentially serious heart rhythm problem that can lead to blood clots, stroke, and heart failure. Stay one step ahead of your heart health; here’s a look at some of the warning signs of atrial fibrillation.
Sep 8th, 2020

Understanding the Many Faces of Valvular Disease

Your heart is equipped with four valves that open and close with your every heartbeat, keeping your blood flowing in the right direction. When valvular disease strikes, it can have a widespread impact on your circulation and heart function.
Aug 18th, 2020

Are You at Risk for An Aortic Aneurysm?

An aortic aneurysm is an incredibly serious cardiovascular issue, but, thankfully, not all that common. Still, it’s a health condition that’s well worth avoiding, which starts by understanding your risks.
Jul 7th, 2020

What to Expect When Getting a Pacemaker

Each year in the United States, approximately 200,000 people turn to a pacemaker to regulate their heartbeats, with great success. If you’re planning on joining these growing numbers, here’s what you can expect when getting a pacemaker.
Jun 23rd, 2020

5 Signs You May Have an Arrhythmia

When it comes to your health, recognizing a problem early can make all the difference in your outcome, which is certainly true of your heart. Here are the top signs that you may have an arrythmia (and what we can do about it).
May 29th, 2020

How Congestive Heart Failure Affects Your Body

Congestive heart failure is a progressive and life-threatening condition in its early stages, which means catching the condition in its early stages offers the best chances for success. Here are the top signs that your heart may be in trouble.
Mar 20th, 2020

Is It a Heart Attack or a Panic Attack?

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack, which puts all of us on high alert. Unfortunately, a relatively harmless panic attack mimics many of the same symptoms as this serious event. Is there a way to tell the difference?
Feb 25th, 2020
If you’re experiencing leg pain or want to find out more about PAD, call Advanced Cardiovascular Specialists for an appointme

Are You at Risk of Developing Peripheral Artery Disease? (PAD)

Peripheral artery disease (PAD), which stems from plaque buildup in blood vessels away from your heart, can be painful and dangerous. Knowing and managing your risks can help prevent PAD and reduce the severity of symptoms. Learn your risk factors.
Sep 19th, 2019